Domain Name Registration
Website Hosting


At Creative Webdesign, we offer seamless domain name registration services as part of our complete web development package. Whether you’re looking to secure a brand-new domain or need assistance transferring your domain name to another registrar, we handle the entire registration process on your behalf. Our team works to ensure the domain is registered in your name, meaning you retain full ownership and control while we take care of the technical setup, including configuring DNS settings and linking the domain to your new website.

What's the cost?

The cost of domain names can vary depending on several factors, including the domain extension (TLD), the domain registrar, and whether the domain is in high demand or premium.

Some domains are considered “premium” due to their shortness, keyword strength, or popularity (like or These can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands—or even millions—in rare cases. Premium pricing applies when a domain is sold in the aftermarket by a private seller or if it’s highly desirable from the start.

Annual Renewal
Eliminating accidental expirations

At Creative Webdesign, we ensure that clients never have to worry about missing domain name renewals. As part of our ongoing website management services, we track and handle the renewal process to keep your domain active and secure. We monitor renewal dates closely, and whether your domain was registered through us or externally, we’ll send timely reminders or automatically renew on your behalf. Our approach eliminates the risk of accidental expiration, protecting your website from downtime or losing the domain to another buyer.

Domain Names
What domain names and extentions are available?

When choosing a domain name, you have a variety of options for both the name itself and the extensions (also called TLDs—Top-Level Domains). Here’s a breakdown:

Domain Name Options:

  • Custom Name: You can register almost any unique domain name (e.g., as long as it’s available and meets the registration guidelines.
  • Keywords: Some people choose domains based on relevant keywords (e.g., for a bakery).
  • Brand or Personal Name: Register a domain using your business or personal name (e.g.,

Common Domain Extensions (TLDs):

  • .com: The most popular and widely used, often associated with businesses or commercial entities.
  • .net: Originally intended for networks but now used more broadly, often for tech-based businesses.
  • .org: Typically used by non-profits, organizations, and community groups.
  • .edu: Restricted to educational institutions, mainly in the US.
  • .md: Typically used for medical websites, physician’s offices, hospitals, and healthcare providers
  • .gov: Reserved for government organizations.

New and Niche Extensions:

  • .co: Used as an alternative to .com and popular for startups.
  • .io: Favored by tech companies and startups (originally for Indian Ocean territories).
  • .store: Great for eCommerce businesses.
  • .blog: Ideal for personal or professional blogs.
  • .design, .art, .photography: Industry-specific options for creatives.
  • .me: Commonly used for personal branding or portfolios.
  • .gop: Commonly used for Republican political websites

Country-specific TLDs:

  • .uk (United Kingdom), .ca (Canada), .de (Germany), etc., often for local businesses or organizations.

The availability of the domain name will depend on if it’s already registered by someone else. If it’s taken, you may need to come up with an alternative or check if the current owner is willing to sell it.

Domain Registration FAQ's

DNS stands for Domain Name System. It’s like the phonebook of the internet. When you type a website’s name (like into your browser, DNS translates that human-friendly domain name into an IP address (like that computers use to identify each other on the network. This lets your browser find and load the website.

Without DNS, we’d have to remember long strings of numbers to visit sites! It makes navigating the internet easier for everyone.

Yes, you can absolutely use your registered website name (domain) for your website!

At Creative Webdesign, we simplify the process of connecting a client’s self-registered domain to their new website. Once a client provides their domain details, we guide them through making the necessary DNS changes to point their domain to our hosting servers. This typically involves updating the domain’s nameservers or configuring specific DNS records, such as A records, to ensure the domain directs to the new website. Our team ensures the transition is smooth, taking care of the technical steps so the client’s site is live and accessible without hassle. This allows the client to fully utilize their registered domain name with minimal effort.

At Creative Webdesign, we offer domain registration services as part of our complete website development package. When clients prefer us to handle domain registration, we ensure a seamless process by securing the domain name on their behalf. While we manage all technical aspects, such as registering the domain, configuring DNS settings, and connecting it to the new website, the client remains the official contact person. This means the client’s name, email, and other relevant information are listed as the domain’s registrant, ensuring full ownership rights remain with them. Should they ever need to transfer or update their domain in the future, they can do so with ease, as the domain is registered in their name from the start.

Yes, there are some restrictions and guidelines when registering domain names. Here are a few key considerations:

General Restrictions:

  1. Uniqueness: Your domain name must be unique. If it’s already registered, you’ll need to choose a different name or extension.
  2. Character Limitations: Domain names can only include letters, numbers, and hyphens. Special characters (like !, $, or #) aren’t allowed, and hyphens cannot be placed at the beginning or end.
  3. Length: Domain names must be between 1 and 63 characters, not including the extension (like .com).
  4. Copyright & Trademark: You cannot register a domain name that infringes on someone else’s trademark or copyrighted brand name. For instance, you couldn’t register “” without facing legal consequences.
  5. No Confusing Similarity: Names that are confusingly similar to existing, well-known brands or domains might also be restricted, even if they’re not identical.
  6. Country-Specific TLDs (ccTLDs): Some country-code TLDs, like .ca (Canada) or .uk (United Kingdom), may have residency or citizenship requirements.